Chapter 207 Pregnancy Diagnosis

  1. Davidson AP, Baker TW: Reproductive ultrasound of the bitch and queen, Top Companion Anim Med 24:55, 2009. PUBMED Abstract
  2. DiGangi BA et al: Use of a commercially available relaxin test for detection of pregnancy in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 237:1267, 2010. PUBMED Abstract
  3. Gobello C, de la Sota RL, Goya RG: A review of canine pseudocyesis, Reprod Domest Anim 36:283, 2001a. PUBMED Abstract
  4. Gobello C, de la Sota RL, Goya RG: Study of the change of prolactin and progesterone during dopaminergic agonist treatments in pseudopregnant bitches, Animal Reprod Sci 66:257, 2001b. PUBMED Abstract
  5. Haney DR et al: Use of fetal skeletal mineralization for prediction of parturition date in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:1614, 2003. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Hermo G et al: Effect of short-term restricted food intake on canine pseudopregnancy, Reprod Domest Anim 44:631, 2009. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS: Canine pregnancy. In Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS, editors: Canine and feline theriogenology, Philadelphia, 2001a, WB Saunders, p 66.
  8. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS: Feline pregnancy. In Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS, editors: Canine and feline theriogenology, Philadelphia, 2001b, WB Saunders, p 414.
  9. Michel E et al: Prediction of parturition date in the bitch and queen, Reprod Dom Anim 46:926, 2011. PUBMED Abstract
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