Web Chapter 37 Feline Demodicosis

  1. Chalmers S, Schick RO, Jeffers J: Demodicosis in two cats seropositive for feline immunodeficiency virus, J Am Vet Med Assoc 194:256, 1989. PUBMED Abstract
  2. Desch CE, Stewart TB: Demodex gatoi: new species of hair follicle mite from the domestic cat, J Med Entomol 36:167, 1999. PUBMED Abstract
  3. Guaguere E et al: Demodex cati infestation in association with feline cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in situ: a report of five cases, Vet Dermatol 10:61, 1999.
  4. Lowenstein C et al: Feline demodicosis caused by concurrent infestation with Demodex cati and an unnamed species of mite, Vet Rec 157:290, 2005. PUBMED Abstract
  5. Morris DO: Contagious demodicosis in three cats residing in a common household, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 32:350, 1996. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Morris DO, Beale KM: Feline demodicosis: a retrospective of 15 cases. In Proceedings of the 13th AAVD/ACVD meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, 1997, p 127.
  7. Morris DO, Beale KM: Feline demodicosis. In Bonagura JD, editor: Kirk's current veterinary therapy XIII: small animal practice, Philadelphia, 2000, Saunders, p 580.
  8. Neel JA et al: Deep and superficial skin scrapings from a feline immunodeficiency positive cat, Vet Clin Pathol 36:101, 2007. PUBMED Abstract
  9. Newbury S, Moriello KA: Skin diseases of animals in shelters: triage strategy and treatment recommendations for common diseases, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 36:59, 2006. PUBMED Abstract