Chapter 237 Craniocervical Junction Abnormalities in Dogs

  1. Carrera I et al: Use of magnetic resonance imaging for morphometric analysis of the caudal cranial fossa in Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Am J Vet Res 70:340, 2009. PUBMED Abstract
  2. Cerda-Gonzalez S et al: Characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid flow in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels analyzed using phase velocity cine magnetic resonance imaging, Vet Radiol Ultrasound 50(5):467, 2009a. PUBMED Abstract
  3. Cerda-Gonzalez S et al: Imaging features of atlanto-occipital overlapping in dogs, Vet Radiol Ultrasound 50(3):264, 2009b. PUBMED Abstract
  4. Cerda-Gonzalez S et al: Congenital diseases of the craniocervical junction in the dog, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 40(1):121, 2010. PUBMED Abstract
  5. Couturier J, Rault D, Cauzinille L: Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia in normal cavalier King Charles spaniels: a multiple diagnostic imaging approach, J Small Anim Pract 49:438, 2008. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Cross H et al: Comparison of cerebral cranium volumes between Cavalier King Charles spaniels with Chiari-like malformation, small breed dogs and Labradors, J Small Anim Pract 50:399, 2009. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Dewey CW: Surgery of the cervical spine. In Fossum TW, editor: Small animal surgery, ed 4, St Louis, 2013, Mosby, p 1467.
  8. Dewey CW et al: Caudal occipital malformation syndrome in dogs, Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 26:886, 2004.
  9. Dewey CW et al: Foramen magnum decompression for treatment of caudal occipital malformation syndrome in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 227(8):1270, 2005. PUBMED Abstract
  10. Dewey CW et al: Foramen magnum decompression with cranioplasty for treatment of caudal occipital malformation syndrome in dogs, Vet Surg 36(5):406, 2007. PUBMED Abstract
  11. Driver CJ et al: Morphometric assessment of cranial volumes in age-matched Cavalier King Charles spaniels with and without syringomyelia, Vet Rec 167(25):978, 2010. PUBMED Abstract
  12. Javaheri S et al: Different effects of omeprazole and Sch 28080 on canine cerebrospinal fluid production, Brain Research 754:321, 1997. PUBMED Abstract
  13. Loderstedt S et al: Distribution of syringomyelia along the entire spinal cord in clinically affected Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Vet J 190:359, 2011. PUBMED Abstract
  14. Marino DJ et al: Morphometric features of the craniocervical junction region in dogs with suspected Chiari-like malformation based on combined MR and CT imaging: 274 cases (2007-2010), Am J Vet Res 73:105, 2012. PUBMED Abstract
  15. Motta L et al: Syringosubarachnoid shunt as a management for syringohydromyelia in dogs, J Small Anim Pract 53:205, 2012. PUBMED Abstract
  16. Parker JE et al: Prevalence of asymptomatic syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Vet Rec 168(25):667, 2011. PUBMED Abstract
  17. Plessas IN et al: Long-term outcome of Cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs with clinical signs associated with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia, Vet Rec 171(20):501, 2012. PUBMED Abstract
  18. Rusbridge C: Neurological diseases of the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, J Small Anim Pract 46(6):265, 2005. PUBMED Abstract
  19. Rusbridge C: Chiari-like malformation with syringomyelia in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel: long-term outcome after surgical management, Vet Surg 36(5):396, 2007a. PUBMED Abstract
  20. Rusbridge C: Pilot study: Chiari-like malformation with syringomyelia in the cavalier King Charles spaniel; long term follow up after conservative management, PhD thesis, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2007b, p 138.
  21. Rusbridge C et al: Syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles spaniels: the relationship between syrinx dimensions and pain, J Small Anim Pract 48:432, 2007. PUBMED Abstract
  22. Rusbridge C et al: Chiari-like malformation in the Griffon Bruxellois, J Small Anim Pract 50(8):386, 2009.
  23. Schmidt MJ et al: Volume reduction of the jugular foramina in Cavalier King Charles spaniels with syringomyelia, BMC Vet Res 8:158, 2012. PUBMED Abstract
  24. Shaw TA et al: Increase in cerebellar volume in Cavalier King Charles spaniels with Chiari-like malformation and its role in the development of syringomyelia, PLoS One 7:1, 2012. PUBMED Abstract
  25. Upchurch JJ et al: Influence of head positioning on the assessment of Chiari-like malformation in Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Vet Record 169:277, 2011 PUBMED Abstract