Chapter 115 Alopecia X

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  4. Frank LA: Oestrogen receptor antagonist and hair regrowth in dogs with hair cycle arrest (Alopecia X), Vet Dermatol 18:63, 2007. PUBMED Abstract
  5. Frank LA, Hnilica KA, Oliver JW: Adrenal steroid hormone concentrations in dogs with hair cycle arrest (Alopecia X) before and during treatment with melatonin and mitotane, Vet Dermatol 15:278, 2004. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Leone F et al: The use of trilostane for the treatment of alopecia X in Alaskan malamutes, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 41:336, 2005. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Rosenkrantz WS, Griffin C: Lysodren therapy in suspect adrenal sex hormone dermatosis. In Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, 1992, p 121.
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  9. Shibata K, Koie H, Nagata M: Clinicopathologic and morphologic analysis of the adrenal gland in Pomeranians with non-illness alopecia, Jpn J Vet Dermatol 11:115, 2005.
  10. Van Vonderen IK, Kooistra HS, Rijnberk A: Intra- and interindividual variation in urine osmolality and urine specific gravity in healthy pet dogs of various ages, J Vet Intern Med 11:30, 2007.