Chapter 74 Advances in Radiation Therapy for Nasal Tumors

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  5. Lawrence JA et al: Proof of principle of ocular sparing in dogs with sinonasal tumors treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy, J Vet Radiol Ultrasound 51:561, 2010. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Theon AP et al: Irradiation of nonlymphoproliferative neoplasms of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in 16 cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 204:78, 1994. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Turek MM, Lana SE: Nasosinal tumors. In Withrow SJ, Vail DM, Page R, editors: Withrow and MacEwen's small animal clinical oncology, ed 5, St Louis, 2012, Saunders.